Thursday, January 12, 2012

Baby Brain

I'm so, so happy to report that I think I'm finally over the early preggo yuckies! I know I've said that before, but at almost 16 weeks, I feel fairly confident about it now. And now that I've been feeling a lot better, I feel a lot more productive.

Well...until I get wildly distracted by all the cute baby stuff on Pinterest. Here are a few of the little goodies that are biding for my time.

I mean come on. Can you blame me??

In related news, I ordered preggo jeans from the Gap last week which I should be getting next week (dang you, slow free shipping!). I underestimated how difficult it would be to find the perfect jean in my size with the panel that I wanted, but I finally found some skinnies that fit the bill and I'm super excited to get them. Some days I feel fine in my regular jeans, and other days they go unbuttoned post-Thanksgiving style. Yikes.

Anyway, baby M is now the size of an orange, which I can't believe! And we're so excited to see the little booger in our next ultra sound. S/he's gonna be so much bigger than the last time we peaked in and I think it's gonna be a really cool thing to see. It's not that it hasn't felt real up until now. I mean when you're sick and tired all the time, it's pretty real. But I guess all of that has been so distracting. So now, sans sickness, I can just focus on the fact that there's an orange-sized baby in there (almost the size of avocado!).

In addition to focusing on the baby, I can't stop thinking about the house. I've heard about this nesting stuff, but I've definitely underestimated it's power. I don't know why, it makes total sense that someone who does this for a living in other people's homes wouldn't be going crazy at their own- especially if it's a new house with oodles of things to be done anyway.

A few nights ago I woke up at 4 a.m. pondering what in the world I'm going to do in the bathroom upstairs, which I want to be able to transition into a gender-neutral kids' bathroom, and fabric for euro pillows in our bedroom. Those things along with a million others have definitely been keeping me up at night. And also the whole sleeping on your side thing. Which, for the record, I hate. And yes, I have a body pillow. It just annoys me.

Anyway, when I told Brendan that all of the house stuff must be finished before the baby gets here, he laughed. Whatever. We've got time ;)

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