Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Finally! The much-talked-about baby bump pic! Well, I mean I've talked about it a lot.


Here I am. Fourteen weeks. Well, actually I found out today from the doc that I'm 14 weeks tomorrow?? Apparently my due date changed or something at my last visit. I don't recall that. Whatevs, I'm calling it at 14. I know when that baby got made. I was there. TMI? Mmk. Sorry.

Also, sorry for the horrendous quality of this picture. I was "dressed up" for Brendan's birthday dinner at Basil last night (and by dressed up, I really just mean dressed) and thought it would be a good photo op. What I did not think of was the terrible light and it caused misshapen shadow lurking behind me. According to science, your brain literally shrinks while preggo. The only thing that shrinks.

I saw this really cute compilation of weekly maternity pics on Pinterest (what? you want to follow my Pins? Ok! Here they are!) that I'm going to copycat.

I know, I know. This is riveting. And I have to pee. So I should be probably leave.

Oh yeah, one more thing! We heard the heart beat today. It was 157. Rumor has it that above 140 is a girl. Hmm. I'm not making any predictions.

Ta ta friends!


  1. Congratulations, I know both of you are excited and you should be. A baby, boy or girl is so special. Let me know when you find out the gender. Miss you all very much, tell everyone I said Hi. Happy New Year. Barbara Tucker

  2. Eeee! This makes me so happy! You look amazing! I love you!
