Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Maybe Today...?

"Maybe today!" That seems to be the running theme around here. No baby yet. I've had contractions the last couple nights, but then I fall asleep and they stop. Bummer.

But she's gotta be ready soon! If there's no action by Friday, we'll be inducing at the beginning of next week. I don't know how I feel about that, but at this point, I'm really ready to see her squishy little face, so que sera sera.

Here I am on my due date, last Sunday...

Look how low she is! I mean, I feel like she's just gonna fall out, but then when I think of the logistics, I know it's not very likely to happen like that. 

We're all ready to go; mom's here, laundry is being done in an OCD fashion, meals are planned and if only this little one would decide to join the party, we'd be all set!


  1. Yay for you! Praying that she will come when she's ready.

  2. Hang in there! You are so close! And you look great!
