Happy Monday! This is truly a happy Monday for me because despite the mass amounts of random super bowl food I ate last night, I did not wake up feeling sick! Hooray! I will warn you ahead of time, this will be a random, incoherent post. I just have a lot things floating around in my mind, so welcome to the chaos that are my thoughts.
First, I know it's been a while since I've posted any baby bump pics. I feel like I don't look too much different. I feel a lot bigger, but I think I only look slightly bigger. I was in the fabric store the other day and a lady did comment, which made me feel good because up until now, I've felt like I look more like I've just eaten a big burrito or slung back one too many brewskies than like there's actually a baby in there.
Also, I'm sick of posting things with no visual interest at all, so today I share with you the plans for our second full bath.

Please excuse the low-res image of the vanity...that's really only to help me visualize what the existing vanity will look like painted, something Brendan is less than thrilled about. But I think he'll realize how good it will look when it all comes together. The yellow fabric will be the shower curtain, which I have to order, and I have to order the light fixture, but other than that, we have everything, so we should be able to knock this out soon!
At first I was going for a little more sophisticated design, but then I realized that this will ultimately be a kid's bathroom, so I wanted it to be something gender neutral, bright, and clean. There are sooo many little things to get done around here. I can't wait to see them all come together!
Additionally, I can't wait for watermelon season. I saw this on Pinterest recently and the craving is in full swing. Seriously, how delicious does this look??

And the last thing I can't wait for (well, at least as far as this post is concerned)? Running! I know that's totally weird and random, but lately I've just had these random ridiculous urges to go running and I'm just not so sure that's a good idea right now. I even dream about it. I'm not a huge runner, and would run here and there before getting preggo, but nothing too hardcore. I guess absence makes the heart grow founder.
Welp. This has been sufficiently random. Hope your week's off to a great start!
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