Spring has definitely sprung here in Charleston. In fact, I think it's been here for a while. We've been super busy getting things done around the house, which I will show you later, and we've had some delightful people around that we don't get to see that often. So it's been a really good couple of weeks!
My mom visited last week and we had a blast! The weather was fantastic and we got to spend some time at the beach, and scouted around for things for Eva's room. We found some perfect fabric for curtains, which I couldn't be happier with, and also made some progress with other things too. I'm so excited to see it all come together!
Speaking of Eva, here she is pooching out!

I'm 24 weeks and feeling really good. My energy's good and now that my uterus is the size of soccer ball, I think I'm really showing. As my friend Megan put it, "That ain't no food baby!"
Aaand....speaking of Megan, she and her hubby Eric also came to visit this weekend from Knoxville and we were so happy to see them! We celebrated Eric's birthday at Basil and they got a chance to catch up with some friends in the area too. Fingers crossed that we'll be seeing more of them soon! ;)

What else, what else?
It's amazing how much stronger Eva is getting even this week from last. Her kicks and punches are much more obvious from the outside now. By that I mean you can actually see and feel them from the outside, it's not just me feeling them from the inside.
She's probably a little more than a pound now and anywhere from eight to twelve inches long. I can't believe that!
July will be here before we know it. In the meantime, I'll be getting work done and eating my newly beloved broccoli.
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