Monday, May 14, 2012

Notes on the Third Trimester

I'm about a month into the home stretch. With each day getting closer and closer to our baby's arrival, I find myself feeling so many different things. Some days I feel very prepared and have a generally laid back attitude. After all, they don't call them maternal instincts for nothing. They'll kick in all will be well.

Other times, I catch myself in a little panic that I haven't done enough research and hastily whip out my iPhone, looking up everything I can re: "what they don't tell you about having a baby." Sometimes that's scary. I don't know if I recommend it.

Overall, I think we are as well prepared as we can be. Brendan has done a phenomenal job getting the nursery ready and reading through books and blogs with me that are full of really good info. And I feel really lucky to have lots of great friends who are moms to little ones, so their experiences are still pretty fresh and their insight has been so helpful.

Lately, Brendan and I both are short on sleep and he said the other day that it's just preparation for what's in store. While I do find myself wanting a nap pretty much all day, when I actually do get the chance, my mind just won't cooperate. I'm wrapping up my last two design projects, and in my line of work, you never really stop working on something.

Projects are constantly in the back of my head and even if I'm just flipping through a magazine or running my own errands, the designer in me is still scoping out things for projects or concepts. The "off" switch doesn't really exist. This isn't a bad thing; it means I love what I do, it just makes rest difficult when combined with all the other million things running through my head.

Good thing preggos need to skimp on the caffeine...otherwise I'd really be in trouble.

Luckily though, yesterday was super relaxing and Brendan and I both napped on the sofa for a few hours. It was heavenly. And for my first mother's day (which feels pretty weird!) all I wanted was to have a breakfast food feast at home and to lay around in my sweats. It was all a girl could dream of. And then we had fro-yo and it was officially the best day ever.

By the way...those are Danish Pancakes from Trader Joe's. You need to get them. They're delicious.

Anyway, I'm off to get some work done! Hope your Mother's Day weekend was great!

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